Corrigendum to Parhizkar et al., Nat. Neuroscience 2019
PMID: 30617257
We identified an accidental image duplication in Supplementary Figure 2a of our manuscript titled “Loss of TREM2 function increases amyloid seeding but reduces plaque-associated ApoE,” published in Nature Neuroscience in 2019. The error pertains specifically to the IBA1 stain for APPPS1/TREM2-/- and APPPS1/TREM2p.T66M. The scale bar provided for the merged images in this panel also included a miscalculation. We went back to the original data and prepared a corrected version of the figure. The errors do not affect any of the quantifications or conclusions drawn in our manuscript. Supplementary Figure 2a confirms and is fully in line with previously published findings (references 9, 19, 20 in our publication). A correction request was submitted to Nature Neuroscience, which is currently processed. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Christian Haass & Samira Parhizkar
Figure S2 corrected: