Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Chair of Metabolic Biochemistry

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Eibsee Meeting 2020: December 16-18, 2020

16.12.2020 – 18.12.2020

General Information:

About-the-Eibsee-Meeting-Bild_1-200The first Eibsee Meeting was organized together in 2000 with the Priority Program of the DFG on "Molecular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease". The meeting has become the most important international conference on Alzheimer´s Disease within Germany over the years.

The Priority Program terminated after six extremely productive years (1999-2005). From 2005 to 2012 the meeting was co-organized by the SFB 596 “Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration”. From 2005 on also the Hans & Ilse Breuer Foundation is generously supporting the meeting. This allowed us to continue this annual high profile conference with leading scientists from all over the world.

At this conference German Alzheimer researchers found a platform to discuss their data with the international community and to initiate collaborations all over the world. In 2005, when the SFB 596 co-organized this meeting, we broadened the focus of the conference to molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in general.

According to the concept of our SFB we brought together leading scientists in the fields of Parkinson, Alzheimer's, Frontotemporal Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders to discuss the similarities of the diseases mechanisms (see also the special issue of Neurodegenerative Diseases, 3, 2006).

About-the-Eibsee-Meeting-Bild_5-200After three funding periods the SFB had achieved the basis for the establishment of an excellence cluster (SyNergy, the “Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology”) and led to the foundation of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, DZNE, in Munich. Both Synergy and the DZNE are now co-organizers of the Eibsee-Meeting. Since this time we have a focus on integrative approaches covering neuronal, inflammatory and gliovascular mechanisms leading to neurodegeneration.                                                                                   


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Responsible for content: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Haass