Scientific image of Dominik Paquet awarded
Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition
The image of the DZNE reseacher showing a 7 day old Tau transgenic zebrafish, which was recently established as a model system for Alzheimer and FTD in our lab, was selected by a scientific jury among more than 2000 images and awarded the 11th prize. Started in 1974, the Nikon International Small World Competition is held anually to recognize excellence in photographs taken through a microscope. Since then, Small World has become a leading showcase for photomicrographers from the widest array of scientific disciplines.
The german newspaper SPIEGEL Online described the contest and talked to Dominik about his motivation:
„... One of those honored this year, Dominik Paquet of the Adolf Butenandt Institute in Munich, is a prime example as to how many of the images in the contest come into existence. His image, which came in 11th place, sprang from his research into the cellular processes related to Alzheimer's disease. Zebrafish are often used to make the death of nerve cells visible. Tiny fish larvae are injected with an Alzheimer's-causing gene, which is then colored using an antibody to make it easily perceptible. His laser microscope does the rest. ..Paquet entered one of the resulting images to the photo contest. "Compelling images are important for research," Paquet, 29, says. "And they help communicate what we are doing to the broader public..."